Pavement Evaluation & Rehab
Deflection testing using Falling Weight Deflectometer (F/HWD) on roads and airports
Elastic modulus calculation, susbgrade evaluation, remaining life and pavement overlay design
PCN calculation for airport pavement
Pavement thickness measurements and anomaly detection using GPR

Pavement Condition Survey
Automated/Semi-automated pavement inspections for roads, sidewalks and airports
Visual pavement inspections for roads, sidewalks and airports
Pavement management software update and customization (PAVER, StreetSAVER, Cartegraph)
Maintenance and rehabilitation planning

Transportation Engineering
Roadway horizontal & vertical alignment
Roadway plan preparation & electronic delivery
Drainage analysis and design
Storm water management design
Storm water pollution prevention plans and certified SWPP inspectors

Pavement Design for Design-Build
- Optimized pavement design from sub-grade to surface layer. We take the following into considerations:
Design alternative comparison
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Future maintenance needs

Construction Management
We represent the clients on their projects, manage resources, schedules, and budget
We develop Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) for use on state and local roads
We perform quality assurance during construction of transportation infrastructure.

Support and Training Services
Pavement materials and design
Pavement design, evaluation and rehabilitation (software, and concepts)
Pavement inspections based on ASTM standards
Pavement management software training and support services
Agency specific customized tools development

Pavement Evaluation & Rehab
Deflection testing using Falling Weight Deflectometer (F/HWD) on roads and airports
Elastic modulus calculation, susbgrade evaluation, remaining life and pavement overlay design
PCN calculation for airport pavement
Pavement thickness measurements and anomaly detection using GPR

Pavement Condition Survey
Automated/Semi-automated pavement inspections for roads, sidewalks and airports
Visual pavement inspections for roads, sidewalks and airports
Pavement management software update and customization (PAVER, StreetSAVER, Cartegraph)
Maintenance and rehabilitation planning

Transportation Engineering
Roadway horizontal & vertical alignment
Roadway plan preparation & electronic delivery
Drainage analysis and design
Storm water management design
Storm water pollution prevention plans and certified SWPP inspectors

Pavement Design for Design-Build
- Optimized pavement design from sub-grade to surface layer. We take the following into considerations:
Design alternative comparison
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Future maintenance needs

Construction Management
We represent the clients on their projects, manage resources, schedules, and budget
We develop Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) for use on state and local roads
We perform quality assurance during construction of transportation infrastructure.

Support and Training Services
Pavement materials and design
Pavement design, evaluation and rehabilitation (software, and concepts)
Pavement inspections based on ASTM standards
Pavement management software training and support services
Agency specific customized tools development
Infrastructure Consulting Group (ICG) is an engineering consulting company that provides sustainable transportation engineering solutions to private and public agencies. Our focus is the evaluation and design of transportation infrastructure. Our services include: pavement design and pavement management, roadway geometric design, construction management and construction inspection services for both highway and airports.
The ICG pavement engineering and consulting team has expertise in pavement data collection, pavement management implementation and updates, pavement evaluation and design for roadway and airports. We also have experience performing complex roadway geometric studies including widening, interchange, bridge approaches and roundabouts and other related transportation projects. In addition to pavement engineering and geometric design studies, ICG also provides erosion control studies, drainage design and training support to both private and public agencies.
Our design and engineering services are supported by a construction management and construction inspection team to ensure quality and constructibility of projects.

Government Agencies

Engineering Consulting Firms

Construction Contractors

Private Developers

Airport Agencies

DOT and Port Authorities
Fill out the contact form below or give us a call at 678-227-8621